程启明,张礼和.通用语音信号处理系统的实现[J].声学技术,1994,(3):116~118,127 |
通用语音信号处理系统的实现 |
Implentation of general purpose speech signal processing system |
投稿时间:1994-04-19 修订日期:1994-04-28 |
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摘要点击次数: 1273 |
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中文摘要: |
本文描述一个通用语音信号处理(SSPS)软件,它汲取现代软件设计的先进经验,融通用性、灵活性和艺术性为一体,可作为语音信号处理实验的有力工具. |
英文摘要: |
In this paper, a speech processing system (SSPS) software for general purpose is described, which posessas generality adaptability and artistry and makes use of adyanced expriences from modern software designing, So the SSPS is a powerful tool for the speech signal processing experiments. |
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