汪鸿振,冯革楠.半无限域中结构体辐射声场计算[J].声学技术,1996,(2):54~56,63 |
半无限域中结构体辐射声场计算 |
Calculation of structural radiation sound field in a semi-infinite region |
投稿时间:1995-11-09 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 半无限域 辐射声场 |
英文关键词: semi-infinite region radiation sound field |
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摘要点击次数: 1286 |
全文下载次数: 818 |
中文摘要: |
本文从半无限域Helmholtz积分方程入手,用边界无法(BEM)计算任意形状结构体辐射声场,对用BEM计算声场时出现的奇异积分、特征频率、边角点处法向不连续、高频段计算误差较大等问题进行了有效、简便的处理,并用理论算例验证了这些方法有较高精度。 |
英文摘要: |
In this paper, based on the Helmholtz integral equation in a semi-infinite region,the radiated sound field of an arbitrary shaped structure is calculated with Boundary Element Method (BEM). Problems of singular integration, characteristic frequencies, normal noncontinuity at edges and corners, large error in high frequency bands that associated with the using of Boundary Element Method are treated effectively and conveniently. Theoretic numerical calculations are also given to show the high accuracy of these methods. |
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