蒋勇,王寅观,姚国民.D82A数据采集卡在超声波氯气流量中的应用[J].声学技术,1998,(3):142~145 |
D82A数据采集卡在超声波氯气流量中的应用 |
The application of D82A acquiration card to ultrasonic chlorine flowmeter |
投稿时间:1997-10-16 修订日期:1998-02-20 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: D82A数据采集卡 声时 声时差 |
英文关键词: D82A acquiration card flight time flight time’s difference |
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摘要点击次数: 1315 |
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中文摘要: |
本文论述了将D82A数据采集卡应用到超声波氯气流量计中,通过对采集数据的分析,精确地确定超声波传播的声时和声时差。本文主要是讨论数据处理的方法。最后,作者对结果进行了讨论并和其它超声波测流量的方法作了比较。 |
英文摘要: |
In the paper, the application of D82A acquiration card to ultrasonic chlorine flowmeter was introduced. By dealing with the signal data acquried by D82A acquiration card, the flight time and flight time’s difference came out accurately. The paper focused on the way to process the signal data. In the end, the author discussed the result and compared some other ultrasonic technique to flow measurement with the way in this paper. |
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