刘恩泽,严济宽.窄带噪声主动控制中的波形综合法研究[J].声学技术,1998,(4):151~153 |
窄带噪声主动控制中的波形综合法研究 |
A study on waveform synthesis method in the active control of narrow band noise |
投稿时间:1998-02-09 修订日期:1998-06-04 |
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摘要点击次数: 1435 |
全文下载次数: 1083 |
中文摘要: |
文本讨论了在窄带噪声主动控制技术中采用的波形综合法的特性.通过窄带主动噪声控制FXLMS算法的步长μ、滤波器长度L、以及由于二次通道的存在而导致的滞后等因素对该方法传递特性的影响研究,进一步探讨窄带噪声控制技术为工程实际的应用研究奠定了基础. |
英文摘要: |
Abstract The properties of waveform synthesis method,which is widely applied in the active control technique of narrow band noise,is discussed in this paper.With the detailed study in the influencing factors to the transmission property of the adaptive filter involved in this method,such as the step length μ of algorithm FXLMS,the adaptive filter length L,and the delay caused by the presence of secondary channel,the foundation on which further applicative research on the active control method to the narrow band noise is setup. |
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