计鸿祥.语音特征峰在“仿生耳”中的应用[J].声学技术,1999,(3):142~144 |
语音特征峰在“仿生耳”中的应用 |
The speech feature peaks and it's application in multi electrodes cochear implant system |
投稿时间:1998-10-05 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 语音特征峰 耳蜗 听神经元 滤波器 A/D转换 |
英文关键词: speech feature peaks cochlear listening never cell filter A/D conversion |
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摘要点击次数: 1251 |
全文下载次数: 852 |
中文摘要: |
“仿生耳”对接收到的语言信号的特征峰进行提取,经A/D转换、编码、解码等处理,对神经性耳聋患者的残留听神经元进行剌激,使其在一定程度上恢复语音识别能力。 |
英文摘要: |
The speech feature peaks signal received by multi-electrode cochlear implant system, through A/D conversion,encode,decode etc,processing to stimulate remain listening never cells of the patients,making discerment on language recovered to a certain extanted. |
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