陈春玉.目标识别技术的现状与发展[J].声学技术,1999,(4):185~188 |
目标识别技术的现状与发展 |
The present situation and developing trend of target discrimination techniques |
投稿时间:1999-06-18 修订日期:1999-08-16 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 鱼雷 目标识别 水声对抗 |
英文关键词: torpedo target discrimination underwater sound countermeasure. |
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摘要点击次数: 1396 |
全文下载次数: 2459 |
中文摘要: |
目标识别技术是武器精确制导的前沿课题,是高新技术领域的核心机密。本文在调查国内外鱼雷关于目标识别技术研究成果的基础上,较详细地介绍了该技术的研究和应用现状,展望今后的发展方向,可供水声界同行参考。 |
英文摘要: |
Target discrimination techniques are the leading task and the key secret in this new technical field. In this paper the applications of target discrimination techniques to torpedo and sonar system in the world are introduced. The developing trend of the techniques is also discussed. |
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