Generation of second-order sum frequency cumulative waves of SH plate modes in an isotropic plate
投稿时间:1999-07-23  修订日期:1999-08-30
中文关键词: SH型板波  和频  积累效应
英文关键词: SH plate modes  sum frequency  cumulative effect
邓明晰 重庆后勤工程学院, 重庆 400016 
摘要点击次数: 1322
全文下载次数: 709
      Generation of second-order sum frequency and difference frequency acoustic waves due to the bulk nonlinearity of the plate material will occur once SH plate modes propagating in an isotropic plate include two frequencies.An approach based on second-order approximation is described for studying the generation of second-order acoustic waves,which arise from the cross interaction of the partial bulk waves of two SH plate modes with different frequencies.One can draw the following conclusions:1)second-order difference frequency acoustic waves must not have the character of cumulative growth;2)second-order sum frequency acoustic waves may have the character of cumulative growth once some conditions between the excitation frequencies and the order numbers of two SH plate modes are satisfied;3)the fields of second-order sum frequency cumulative waves retain the symmetry character.The present article also gives out the analytical expressions of second-order sum frequency cumulative waves,which satisfy the boundary and initial conditions of excitation.
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