郑卫东,李永春,赵国安,邓智嘉.噪声干扰器对抗声呐使用效果分析与使用方法探讨[J].声学技术,2002,(3):105~108 |
噪声干扰器对抗声呐使用效果分析与使用方法探讨 |
The discussion about the using of noise-jammer in anti-sonar |
投稿时间:2001-01-05 修订日期:2001-06-17 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 噪声干扰器 对抗 声呐 |
英文关键词: noise jammer countermasure sonar |
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摘要点击次数: 1698 |
全文下载次数: 1270 |
中文摘要: |
噪声干扰器是一种宽带大功率压制性干扰器材,可用来对抗主、被动声呐跟踪,还可对抗声自导鱼雷的攻击。文章在分析噪声干扰器工作机理基础上,以假想潜艇携带噪声干扰器对抗声呐为例,通过仿真计算,分析噪声干扰器对抗声呐的使用效果,并对噪声干扰器使用方法探讨。 |
英文摘要: |
Noise-jammer is a equipment wieh broad band and strong power which is used to rival the tracing of active & passive Sonar,and also can be usedto in rival homing Torpedo.Based on the Noise jammer's working theory,through simulating and calculating,and discuss the way of using. |
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