Specific action of ultrasonic cleaning for replacing ODS cleaning technology
投稿时间:2000-08-25  修订日期:2001-08-24
中文关键词: 超声清洗  臭氧耗损物质(ODS)  超声空化  清洗剂
英文关键词: ultrasonic cleaning  ozone depleting substance (ODS)  ultrasonic cavitation  cleaning agent
张明铎 陕西师范大学声学所, 西安, 710062 
摘要点击次数: 1386
全文下载次数: 857
      The specific action of ultrasonic cleaning on replacing ODS cleaning technology was expounded in this paper by analyzing the principle and the feature of ultrasonic cleaning and the advantage it has in environmental protection and by comparing the ultrasonic cleaning with others. The principle for selecting ultrasonic cavitation intensity and the cleaning agents was put forward by analyzing the main factors that affect ultrasonic cleaning quality, such as the sound intensity and the frequency of ultrasound, the sound field distribution, the viscidity factor and the surface tension and the fluidity of cleaning liquid, the physical chemistry nature and the cleaning capability of cleaning agent, and so on. It introduced the classifications of ultrasonic cleaning and presented some problems should be paid attention to in the replacement. It also pointed out that the interaction between the high power ultrasound parameter and the characteristic parameter of cleaning agent influence the cleaning quality distinctly.
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