童娜.次声的特点及其应用[J].声学技术,2003,(3):199~202 |
次声的特点及其应用 |
Features and applications of infrasound |
投稿时间:2002-12-09 修订日期:2003-02-26 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 次声 共振 次声应用 |
英文关键词: infrasound resonance applications of infrasound |
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中文摘要: |
次声是频率为0.0001Hz~20Hz范围内的声波,广泛存在于人类生存的环境中,在大自然的许多活动中都有次声的产生,而人类日常生活和工业生产过程中也有次声的存在。次声是一种无形、人耳听不到的声波,具有穿透能力强、衰减小等非常显著的特点。它通过共振机理对人体产生危害作用,可使人感到头晕头痛、恶心烦躁、胸闷腹泻、疲倦无力、注意力分散等等,严重时甚至能使人的肺腔破裂导致死亡。人们根据其特点将其应用于武器、监测、工业、医疗等多方面,取得了明显的效果。但人类对次声的研究目前尚处于起步阶段,应尽最大可能去研究次声、应用次声,令其更好地造福于人类。 |
英文摘要: |
Infrasound is sound waves with frequencies ranging from 0.0001Hz to 20Hz.It widely exists in the environment where people live.It is created both in natural phenomena and in human activities.Infrasound is neither visible nor audible.However it has noticeable features such as powerful capability of piercing through objects with little attenuation in transmission.Infrasound does harm human body due to resonance.When exposed to infrasound, a person feels ill with various symptoms such as dizziness, headache, nausea, fidget, diarrhea, fatigue, being scatterbrained, etc.Even worse, it can cause lung rupture and lead to death.Infrasound can also be used as a weapon, or applied in industry and medical treatment.There is much to be done in the studies of infrasonic effects on human body. |
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