王磊,陈敏,肖越,李忠涛.基于PCI-1712卡的参量扬声器算法验证平台设计与实现[J].声学技术,2011,(5):438~442 |
基于PCI-1712卡的参量扬声器算法验证平台设计与实现 |
Design and implementation of PCI-1712 board-based algorithm verification platform for parametric loudspeaker |
投稿时间:2010-09-04 修订日期:2010-11-07 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 参数扬声器 算法快速验证平台 PCI-1712高速数据采集卡 SSB算法 DSB算法 |
英文关键词: parametric loudspeaker quick algorithm verification platform PCI-1712 high-speed data acquisition board SSB algorithm DSB algorithm |
基金项目:参量声源非线性信号处理方法研究(60901062) |
摘要点击次数: 1337 |
全文下载次数: 1189 |
中文摘要: |
针对参量扬声器的算法快速验证与开发问题,采用PCI-1712高速数据采集卡作为信号输入/输出设备,以Labview作为算法快速建模与仿真工具,在PC机上设计并实现了参量扬声器的算法快速验证平台。利用该平台,对SSB算法及DSB算法进行了快速验证与开发,发现:在1.5kHz以上频段,SSB算法输出声波的声压级明显大于DSB算法;在2.5kHz以下频段,两者的谐波失真差异较大,而在2.5kHz以上频段,两者的谐波失真较为接近。 |
英文摘要: |
In this paper,a PC-based quick algorithm verification platform for parametric loudspeaker is designed and implemented to solve the problem of quick-verifying and developing the algorithms for parametric loudspeaker,in which the PCI-1712 high-speed data acquisition board is employed as the signal input/output device and the Labview software is used to realize the quick-modeling and simulation of the algorithms.Moreover,the SSB and DSB algorithms' quick-verification and development is implemented of the platform,and the results show: the sound pressure level of SSB algorithm is higher than that of DSB algorithm obviously for the signal frequency above 1.5 kHz;the difference of their harmonic distortion is big for the signal frequency blow 2.5 kHz.but very small above 2.5 kHz. |
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