A study of ships wake detection by side acoustic scattering
投稿时间:2011-05-05  修订日期:2011-08-22
中文关键词: 水下航行体  舰船尾流  侧向声散射  尾流特性  尾流检测
英文关键词: underwater vehicle|ship wake|side acoustic scattering|wake characteristics|wake detection
樊书宏 西北工业大学航海工程学院, 西安710072
中国船舶重工集团公司第705研究所, 西安710075 
严冰 中国船舶重工集团公司第705研究所, 西安710075  
刘昆仑 西北工业大学航海工程学院, 西安710072  
康文钰 西北工业大学航海工程学院, 西安710072
中国船舶重工集团公司第705研究所, 西安710075 
摘要点击次数: 1427
全文下载次数: 1286
      Ship wake acoustic detection is one of the most effective ways for underwater vehicle to automatically search,track and attack surface targets.The present engineering applications and research mainly focus on the top view sonar detection under the wake.In order to further develop new wake detection methods for underwater vehicle to improve the performance of wake homing and enhance the capacity of anti-interference,the method of wake detection by side acoustic scattering is studied in this paper.The acoustic characteristics and physical property of ship wake are dis-cussed.The acoustic scattering characteristics of wake gas bubbles are researched in laboratory with simulated wake by air bubble screen.Simultaneously,the experiments of wake detection by side acoustic scattering are carried out with actual wake of large ship in lake.The experiments results indicate that the actual ship wake can be continuously and ef-fectively detected by side acoustic scattering detection,which provides a novel and feasible method for surface ship wake detection.The research results could be the important foundation for the development of the new wake homing technique and the effective surface target tracking and attacking of underwater vehicles.They are useful and significant for practical engineering applications.
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