赵智勇,才振华.线阵声诱饵对抗具有尺度识别能力鱼雷的分析与仿真[J].声学技术,2011,(6):493~495 |
线阵声诱饵对抗具有尺度识别能力鱼雷的分析与仿真 |
Simulation and analysis of acoustic linear array decoy for counterworking the torpedo with target scale recognition capability |
投稿时间:2010-11-30 修订日期:2011-01-05 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 线阵声诱饵 方位走向 尺度识别 鱼雷 |
英文关键词: linear array acoustic decoy|azimuth trend|target scale recognition|torpedo |
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中文摘要: |
为了研究线阵声诱饵对抗具有尺度识别能力鱼雷的性能,以分裂波束和方位走向法为例,分析了鱼雷对尺度目标回波的识别方法,以此为基础探讨了线阵声诱饵在对抗具有尺度识别能力鱼雷时的若干技术问题,通过仿真验证了线阵声诱饵对抗尺度识别能力鱼雷的有效性。本文证明了线阵式的声诱饵可以有效模拟舰船目标的尺度特征,在对抗有尺度识别能力的鱼雷时是很有意义的发展方向。本文所给出的仿真方法,除了建立线阵诱饵在诱骗有尺度识别功能鱼雷的仿真模型外,还可以作为物理模型应用在诱饵工作程序中,提供各阵元的延迟时间等声学参数。 |
英文摘要: |
For studying the capability that the linear array acoustic decoy counterworks the torpedo with target scale recognition,this paper takes split beam and azimuth trending as an example to analyze the recognition method for torpedo to scale target.Base on the analysis,some technical problems about using the linear array acoustic decoy to counterwork the torpedo with target scale recognition are discussed,and the effectiveness is verified by means of simu-lation.This paper has proved that the linear array acoustic decoy can simulate the scale of ship,and so it is a significant direction for counterworking the torpedo with target scale recognition.This method can also be used in decoy working program for providing acoustic parameters besides modeling of decoying the torpedo with target recognition capability. |
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