苏晓乐,张明敏.浅海中舰船辐射噪声非均匀调制特征分析[J].声学技术,2012,(4):385~388 |
浅海中舰船辐射噪声非均匀调制特征分析 |
Analysis of uneven modulation feature of ship radiated noise in shallow water |
投稿时间:2011-07-08 修订日期:2011-11-01 |
DOI:10.3969/j.issn1000-3630.2012.04.009 |
中文关键词: 舰船噪声 非均匀调制 窄带包络相关 |
英文关键词: ship noise uneven modulation narrow-band envelope correlation |
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中文摘要: |
真实海洋环境下, 信道复杂的畸变作用使目标分类识别特征的实际应用效果并不理想, 因此寻找能够在信道中稳定传播的目标分类识别特征显得尤为必要。文章提取出平均窄带包络相关和最佳窄带包络相关两个非均匀调制特征来衡量舰船噪声在频带上的调制分布差异, 并构建浅海相干多途信道的射线模型, 通过仿真实验分析非均匀调制特征的传播变化。结果表明, 舰船噪声的这种非均匀调制特征在相干多途信道的传播过程中具有良好的稳定性, 是目标分类识别的一种稳定特征。 |
英文摘要: |
Target identifying features are often ineffective in practical applications because of the complex aberrance of underwater channel in real sea environment. It is necessary to find target identifying features which can be transmitted steadily in underwater channel. Two features, optimal narrow-band envelope correlation and average narrow-band envelope correlation, are put forward to weight uneven disturbance in different frequency bands of modulation components. And a ray model for shallow water channel is built. The variations of the two uneven modulation features transmitting in multi-path underwater channel are analyzed via simulation. The research shows that the uneven modulation features of ship noise can relatively remain steady in the process of transmitting in multi-path underwater channel. |
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