Absolute value shooting method for sound propagation parameter extraction of shallow water waveguide with the received acoustic data from a vertical line array
投稿时间:2012-09-05  修订日期:2012-10-30
中文关键词: 垂直线列阵  参数提取  浅海波导  模值追踪法
英文关键词: vertical line array  parameter extraction  shallow water waveguide  absolute value shooting method
胡银丰 海军驻杭州地区军事代表室,杭州 310012 shiyasu@163.com 
葛辉良 杭州应用声学研究所,杭州 310012  
摘要点击次数: 1457
全文下载次数: 1586
      The received acoustic data and the CSDM (cross spectrum density matrix) collected by a vertical line array can be used to estimate modal depth function, horizontal wave-number and bottom reflection phase shift of shallow water waveguide. In fact, the vertical line array deployed in sea is tilted. It is shown from simulation that the errors of estimated parameters are enlarged seriously by the tilt of the line array. In this paper, an absolute value shooting method is used to solve this problem. In this method, the cost function for shooting is replaced by an absolute value shooting cost function. Simulation shows that the influence of the tilt of the vertical line array can be eliminated. In the simulation, the errors of estimated horizontal wave-number and the estimated bottom reflection phase shift are less than 0.1% and ±1.1, respectively, when the vertical line array is tilted with a gradient of 0.1.
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