张宝华,赵梅.海水声速测量方法及其应用[J].声学技术,2013,32(1):24~28 |
海水声速测量方法及其应用 |
Sound speed measurement in seawater and its application |
投稿时间:2012-09-20 修订日期:2012-12-17 |
DOI:10.3969/j.issn1000-3630.2013.01.006 |
中文关键词: 海水声速 测量方法 声速应用 |
英文关键词: seawater sound speed sound velocity measurement sound speed application |
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摘要点击次数: 2403 |
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中文摘要: |
在水声研究和海洋工程中,广泛地需要测量海水声速。纵观水声技术的发展历史,声速及其测量方法和手段一直是水声研究的基本问题。从水下声传播速度的物理特性出发,介绍了典型海洋声速剖面的特征,以声速剖面对声传播的影响为关注对象,示例说明了其对声纳最佳探测深度及声纳探测距离的影响,以及声速测量在大洋测温中的应用。在声速剖面测量方法方面,介绍总结了国内外的声速测量设备的原理、技术发展趋势以及主要产品。最后给出了海洋声速剖面测量的发展展望。 |
英文摘要: |
With the development of acoustic technology, the importance of sound speed measurement is explained. The distribution and physical characteristics of seawater sound speed are introduced. Focused on sound propagation problems, the effect of sound speed profile on the best probing depth of sonar and its detection range is discussed. Seawater temperature observation is also taken into account. The sound speed measurement theory is stated, and the development of the equipment is introduced as well. Finally, the prospect of sound speed measurement technology is described. |
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