A bathymetric algorithm based on roll compensation for multi-beam echo sounder
投稿时间:2013-05-15  修订日期:2013-08-19
中文关键词: 多波束声纳  姿态稳定  测深
英文关键词: multi-beam echo sounder  attitudestabilization  bathymetry
陈若婷 中国科学院声学研究所海洋技术实验室, 北京 100190
中国科学院大学, 北京 100190 
刘晓东 中国科学院声学研究所海洋技术实验室, 北京 100190 liuxd@mail.ioa.ac.cn 
刘治宇 中国科学院声学研究所海洋技术实验室, 北京 100190  
刘小刚 中国科学院声学研究所海洋技术实验室, 北京 100190  
董飞 中国科学院声学研究所海洋技术实验室, 北京 100190  
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全文下载次数: 2351
      针对阵列姿态变化造成深水多波束测深声纳测深误差问题,给出了一种基于横摇稳定的多波束测深方法。其 基本思路是利用姿态数据实时地改变接收波束相控角,使得合成波束指向角稳定在较小的变化区间内,确保了波束 形成后信号来自有效的波束宽度覆盖范围。通过发射时刻三维姿态和接收时刻横摇姿态解算得出波达时刻对应的合 成波束指向角,进行声速修正和归位计算得到最终测深点的深度与位置。MATLAB 仿真和实际海试数据处理结果表 明,该方法能够获得期望方向附近的海底脚印覆盖并且达到较好的精度。
      This paper presents a bathymetric algorithm based on roll compensation pointing at sounding error problem of multi-beam echo sounder caused by variation of array attitude. The basic idea is using the attitude data to real-time change the receiving beam phase in order to control the synthetic directional angle along the track in a smaller variation range, and ensure the signal after beam-forming within effective beam width coverage. At the same time, the DOA of synthetic beam corresponding to the arriving time can be obtained by calculating the transmitting and receiving equations after attitude stabilization. Then the depth and location of the final sounding point can be obtained by sound velocity correction and homing calculation. After MATLAB simulation and real data processing, the algorithm is proved effective. The result show that using the beam after roll compensation can obtain the sea floor footprints coverage near desired direction and achieve better accuracy.
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