A logical association method in multi-target automatic tracking
投稿时间:2012-08-10  修订日期:2012-10-09
中文关键词: 被动声纳  自动跟踪  数据关联
英文关键词: passive sonar  automatic tracking  data association
李涛* 上海船舶电子设备研究所, 上海 201108 litao217@163.com 
陈磊 海军装备研究院, 北京 100161  
周胜增 上海船舶电子设备研究所, 上海 201108  
蒋小勇 上海船舶电子设备研究所, 上海 201108  
翟昌宇 上海船舶电子设备研究所, 上海 201108  
摘要点击次数: 1520
全文下载次数: 2528
      Target tracking is one of the most important functions in passive sonar systems. The tracked data are provided for the post-processing of target motion analysis and target recognition. Sonar operators can easily find and track the target from the bearing-time recording, by the use of the advanced cognitive model of human brain, the prior knowledge and visual trace-to-trace correlation. However, automatic multi-target tracking is very difficult to achieve in practical sonar systems, due to the complex multi-target conditions such as low signal-to-noise ratio, track cross and course varying. An automatic multi-target tracking method was proposed based on the logical association method. Broadband beam was used for data output from passive sonar. Automatic multi-target tracking could be well implemented by the use of the track association with point tracks, track evaluation management and track cross-processing. Experimental results demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed method.
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