余斌.多功能剧院音乐反射罩的设计与应用[J].声学技术,2014,33(3):250~254 |
多功能剧院音乐反射罩的设计与应用 |
Design and application of acoustic reflecting shell for modern multi-functional theatre |
投稿时间:2013-11-16 修订日期:2014-01-24 |
DOI:10.3969/j.issn1000-3630.2014.03.013 |
中文关键词: 多功能剧院 音乐反射罩 混响时间 声场力度 |
英文关键词: multi-functional theatre acoustic reflecting shell reverberation time sound strength |
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全文下载次数: 1986 |
中文摘要: |
当剧院兼用大型交响乐、室内乐或合唱音乐演出时,舞台上必须增设音乐反射罩,既有助于将乐队演奏声返送至听众席和平衡乐队演出,也可改善观众厅内的音质。音乐反射罩是多功能剧院舞台工艺的重要设施之一。主要介绍音乐反射罩的六个工程应用实例,并对增设乐罩前后观众厅的实测结果作分析总结。对比舞台上增设乐罩前后观众厅音质参量混响时间、早期衰变时间、明晰度和声场力度的变化,发现舞台增设乐罩后,显著降低了舞台空间和观众厅空间的耦合作用,两者形成一个整体使观众厅有效声学容积增大。由于乐罩对低频声能的吸收,低频混响时间不但没有提升,反而略有下降。单就混响时间的频率特性而言,增设乐罩的多功能剧院与专业音乐厅仍存在较大的差距。增设乐罩后,观众厅内明晰度降低,而声场力度得到了较大的提升。 |
英文摘要: |
An acoustical reflecting shell must be installed on stage, when a symphony, chamber music or choral music performs in theatre. Acoustical reflecting shell is one of the most important facilities for multi-functional theatre. It helps to reflect sound to audience area, improve sound quality of auditoriums and interaction between the band members. This paper mainly describes the application examples and acoustical measurement results. The acoustical reflecting shell on stage significantly reduced the coupling effect between stage space and audience hall, thereby increased the reverberation time of audience hall except that of the low frequency part. A multi-purpose theatre with a reflecting shell on its stage fails to make a sound quality as good as that in a concert hall. By installing a cover on the stage, the clarity of audience hall decreases, while the sound strength is greatly improved. |
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