Study of a generalized cross-correlation time delay estimation based acoustic positioning algorithm
投稿时间:2013-07-15  修订日期:2013-10-12
中文关键词: 时延估计  平面四元阵  广义互相关
英文关键词: time delay estimation  four-element plane array  generalized cross-correlation
景思源 西北工业大学航海学院, 陕西西安 710072 jingsiyuan12321@163.com 
冯西安 西北工业大学航海学院, 陕西西安 710072  
张亚辉 中国华阴兵器试验中心, 陕西华阴 714200  
摘要点击次数: 1246
全文下载次数: 3307
      To solve the low precision problem of acoustic positioning for ground targets in low signal noise ratio (SNR), this paper puts forward an acoustic positioning system based on the generalized cross-correlation method. The practical application of the generalized cross-correlation algorithm is studied according to the calculation formulas of the planar four-element array positioning method. Owing to the fact that the spectrums of environmental noise, military target drone and civilian target drone are possibly similar, using the general window filtering method to reduce noise could weaken the target acoustic intensity greatly. However, the high accuracy and good stability could be achieved by using the generalized cross-correlation time delay estimation method, in which the difference of time delay is obtained by cal-culating the peak of the cross-correlation function between the signals from two channels. In the low SNR condition, the computer simulations show that the adding filtering window method makes lower localization accuracy, but the use of the generalized cross-correlation method can get more precise positioning coordinates.
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