Research on ‘transformer-inductance’ impedance matching model for ultrasonic transducer
投稿时间:2014-09-22  修订日期:2014-12-15
中文关键词: 超声换能器  阻抗匹配  “电感-变压器”匹配模型  高精度调节
英文关键词: ultrasonic transducer  impedance matching  ‘transformer-inductance’ model  precise adjustment
韩旭 南京师范大学物理科学与技术学院, 江苏南京 210023  
章康宁 南京邮电大学通信与信息工程学院, 江苏南京 210023  
郑海祥 南京师范大学物理科学与技术学院, 江苏南京 210023  
马青玉 南京师范大学物理科学与技术学院, 江苏南京 210023 maqingyu@njnu.edu.cn 
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      在分析超声换能器阻抗特性和电路匹配的基础上, 对传统纯电感电容匹配电路模型进行电路仿真和阻抗分析, 证明该模型在谐振频率附近有大范围的电抗变化, 存在电路不稳定和电阻调节精度低的问题;提出“电感-变压器”阻抗匹配模型, 通过电感和变压器分别调节换能器电阻和电抗, 实现电路的精确匹配, 以提高超声换能器阻抗匹配的精度和稳定性, 并给出了理想的匹配条件和匹配参数。利用匝数可调的变压器和电感制作了超声换能器的匹配电路, 对20.8 kHz的变幅杆换能器进行了阻抗匹配的实验测量, 结果证明这种“电感-变压器”阻抗匹配模型在谐振频率附近具有较小的电抗变化范围、较低的电阻变化率和较高的电抗调节精度, 在超声换能器的自动阻抗匹配中具有良好的应用前景。
      Based on the analyses of impedance characteristics and matching circuit of ultrasound transducer, it is found that with the traditional inductance capacitance matching circuit, a wide range of reactance variation around the resonant frequency appears and causes the circuit stability and regulatory accuracy reduced. Therefore, a ‘transformer-inductance’ matching model is proposed in this paper. The reactance and resistance can be regulated by the adjustable inductance and transformer to improve the precision and stability of the matching circuit for ultrasonic transducer, and the ideal matching condition and parameter are provided. In experiments, with the controllable transformer and inductance, a matching circuit is developed for an ultrasonic horn transducer with the center frequency of 20.8 kHz. It is proved that the matching circuit has a narrow impedance variation range with high reactance regulatory accuracy when the frequency is close to the resonance, which provides application potential in automatic impedance matching of ultrasonic transducer.
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