Coding ultrasound based multi-depth blood flow measurement
投稿时间:2016-06-14  修订日期:2016-08-25
中文关键词: 编码激励  经颅多普勒超声  多深度检测
英文关键词: coded excitation  transcranial Doppler  multi-depth examination
李绍兴 医学超声关键技术国家地方联合工程实验室, 广东深圳 518060
广东省生物医学信息检测与超声成像重点实验室, 广东深圳 518060
深圳大学医学部生物医学工程学院, 广东深圳 518060 
张天炯 医学超声关键技术国家地方联合工程实验室, 广东深圳 518060
广东省生物医学信息检测与超声成像重点实验室, 广东深圳 518060
深圳大学医学部生物医学工程学院, 广东深圳 518060 
陈昕 医学超声关键技术国家地方联合工程实验室, 广东深圳 518060
广东省生物医学信息检测与超声成像重点实验室, 广东深圳 518060
深圳大学医学部生物医学工程学院, 广东深圳 518060 
覃正笛 医学超声关键技术国家地方联合工程实验室, 广东深圳 518060
广东省生物医学信息检测与超声成像重点实验室, 广东深圳 518060
深圳大学医学部生物医学工程学院, 广东深圳 518060 
摘要点击次数: 1609
全文下载次数: 1359
      Blood flow measurement and imaging are important contents in ultrasound diagnostics, which have been widely used in clinical practice because of their unique advantages. However, conventional Transcranial Doppler (TCD) ultrasound system in domestic markets is mainly an analog circuit system with complicated structure. Such instruments are susceptible to external changes and cannot offer a multi-depth blood flow examination. In this study, a multi-depth digital design of TCD ultrasound system is introduced, which can make up for the disadvantages of the traditional analog systems This system can achieve a multi-depth inspection and improve the detection sensitivity of the system, the average transmitted energy and system resolution. Furthermore, the feasibility of the system is proved by the phantom test, pump and clinical experiments. All of the results show that the system can display the blood flow information on the path of the ultrasound wave, detect and identify the vessel position. Meanwhile, it can also greatly improve the measurement sensitivity.
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