马雄超,赵荣荣,唐少波,于祥龙,欧阳荀.基于零阶算法的矩形面宽带纵振换能器设计[J].声学技术,2017,36(1):93~98 |
基于零阶算法的矩形面宽带纵振换能器设计 |
A design of rectangular longitudinal vibration broadband transducer based on zero order algorithm |
投稿时间:2016-11-10 修订日期:2016-12-28 |
DOI:10.16300/j.cnki.1000-3630.2017.01.017 |
中文关键词: 零阶算法 评价函数 宽带 矩形面纵振换能器 |
英文关键词: zero order algorithm evaluation function broadband rectangular plane longitudinal vibration transducer |
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摘要点击次数: 1318 |
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中文摘要: |
传统换能器的优化一般采用试算修改的方式进行,这样的方式在待优化参数较多时不仅比较繁琐而且有可能会漏掉各参数组合下较好的设计点,对此提出了利用零阶算法进行换能器多参数联合优化设计的方法。建立了一种带宽评价函数,通过该评价函数和零阶算法尝试了对矩形面纵振换能器带宽的优化设计。经有限元仿真和样机测试表明,两款换能器的性能达到了预期指标要求,实现了宽带工作。得到的两款宽带换能器性能为:1#换能器工作频带为10~21.5 kHz,带内起伏约3 dB,发射电压响应大于134 dB;2#换能器工作频带为7.5~31.5 kHz,带内起伏约6 dB,发射电压响应大于131 dB。该方法可以作为换能器设计的一种新方式。 |
英文摘要: |
The optimization of the traditional transducer generally adopts the way of trial calculation, which is not only tedious but also may miss the better design points under the combination of various parameters. For those reasons, a joint multi parameter optimization method based on zero order algorithm is proposed, and a bandwidth evaluation function is established. With the help of the evaluation function and the zero order algorithm, the bandwidth optimization of rectangular plane longitudinal vibration transducer is achieved. Simulation and experimental results show that the performances of the two transducers meet the requirement of broadband, the evaluation function is feasible and can be used in the optimization of the transducer. The performances of the two transducers are as follows: for 1# transducer the frequency band is 10~21.5 kHz, the band flatness is about 3 dB and the transmitting voltage response is greater than 134 dB; for 2# transducer the frequency band is 7.5~31.5 kHz, the band flatness is about 6 dB and the transmitting voltage response is greater than 131 dB. This method can be used as a new way to design transducer. |
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