Doppler simulation analysis of a scale target simulator
投稿时间:2016-05-23  修订日期:2016-07-25
中文关键词: 尺度目标模拟  多普勒频移  潜艇  鱼雷
英文关键词: scale target simulation  Doppler frequency shift  submarine  torpedo
赵俊杰 昆明船舶设备研究试验中心, 云南昆明 650051 helloswrd@126.com 
陈建青 昆明船舶设备研究试验中心, 云南昆明 650051  
摘要点击次数: 1349
全文下载次数: 1344
      In underwater acoustic warfare, the scale target simulator need to be continuously improved in the simulation fidelity of submarine acoustic characteristics. Doppler frequency shift is one of the main parameters of submarine echo, which is an important basis for torpedo to identify true and false targets. Starting from the calculation method of Doppler frequency shift, through simulation, the Doppler frequency shift difference between the signal generated by the single receiving——multiple transmitting simulator, where the Doppler effect is due to the simulator's own speed, and the real submarine echo signal is analyzed. The results show that the differences are mainly caused by the fact that the receiving position of the single receiving——multiple transmitting simulator can not be one to one corresponding to the transmitting position. The Doppler frequency shift of the simulator is less than that of the real submarine; especially the deviation increases significantly for the Doppler frequency drift at the distance close to the length of the submarine. In the design of the scale target simulator, the simulation fidelity of the Doppler acoustic characteristic of submarine can be improved by reducing the difference.
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