Research on the scattering characteristics of phased array focused ultrasound interacted with hole
投稿时间:2016-07-07  修订日期:2016-10-07
中文关键词: 相控  聚焦超声  圆孔  散射特性  散射矩阵
英文关键词: phased array  focus ultrasound  hole  scattering characteristics  scattering coefficient matrix
周进节 中北大学机械与动力工程学院, 山西太原 030051  
郑阳 中国特种设备检测研究院, 国家质量监督检验检疫总局无损检测与评价重点实验室, 北京 100029 zhengyangchina@126.com 
张宗健 中国特种设备检测研究院, 国家质量监督检验检疫总局无损检测与评价重点实验室, 北京 100029  
摘要点击次数: 1265
全文下载次数: 1320
      Compared with the traditional detection methods, the sound beam focusing control ability of phased array technique makes the resolution, signal-to-noise ratio, sensitivity and other performances of ultrasonic phased array detection effectively improved. But at present, lack of understanding the interaction of phased array focused ultrasound with defects causes the current detection techniques impossible to achieve accurately qualitative and precisely quantitative analysis of defects. Therefore, this paper establishes a finite element model of one-dimensional linear ultrasonic phased array for the detection of hole defects and studies the scattering characteristics of the acoustic field caused by the interaction of the phased array focused beam with the hole defect. The results show that the energy of L mode scattering of the hole is mainly focused on the positive reflection area and the positive transmission area, and the energy in the transmission region is greater than that of the energy in the reflection region, and energy is extremely weak in the direction perpendicular to the direction of incidence, almost no scattering energy. The L mode scattering is axial symmetrical distribution along the direction of incidence. For hole defects of different diameters, the larger the diameter, the greater the energy of the scattering obtains in the same direction. For the same diameter of the hole, the distribution of the scattering energy is the same for focusing wave or plane wave incidence, but the scattering energy of focusing wave is significantly higher than that of plane wave.
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