Noise characteristic analysis and noise reduction for gas water heater
投稿时间:2016-05-04  修订日期:2016-07-18
中文关键词: 燃气热水器  噪声  进风方式  消声导流罩
英文关键词: gas water heater  noise  air inlet mode  silencer shroud
谭洵 宁波方太厨具有限公司浙江省健康智慧厨房系统集成重点实验室, 浙江宁波 315336  
徐德明 宁波方太厨具有限公司浙江省健康智慧厨房系统集成重点实验室, 浙江宁波 315336  
李启良 同济大学上海地面交通工具风洞中心, 上海 201804 qiliang@tongji.edu.cn 
王毅刚 同济大学上海地面交通工具风洞中心, 上海 201804  
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      燃气热水器噪声严重影响居民舒适性。为了了解热水器噪声特性,找到热水器噪声问题并提出针对性降噪方案,本文在半消声室对某型号热水器进行噪声测试,得到原型机的噪声特性,提出顶部进风和增加消声导流罩的降噪方案。通过测试发现:原型机在最大负荷和正常负荷的半球面平均声功率为61.5 dB(A)和58.3 dB(A),且电磁噪声、风机噪声、燃烧系统噪声和空腔共振噪声在热水器腔体相互作用,形成多个峰值频率。进风方式由背面进风改为顶部进风降噪效果明显,其平均半球面声功率在最大负荷和正常负荷降幅分别为5.6 dB(A)和4.7 dB(A)。同时在中低频段声压级降幅明显,高频也有一定降低。增加消声导流罩虽然能降低高频噪声,但是流通面积小,阻力大,使总体降噪效果不明显。
      Noise generated by gas water heater affects residents' comfort seriously. In order to understand the characteristics of water heater noise and to find its problems and propose a specific noise reduction scheme, the noise of a certain type of water heater has been tested in the semi-anechoic chamber. The noise characteristics of the prototype are obtained, and a scheme for noise reduction by adopting air intake from the top and increasing silencer shroud is presented in this paper. It is found that the average sound powers of the prototype in maximum and normal loads are 61.5 dB(A) and 58.3 dB(A). In addition, electromagnetic noise, fan noise, combustion system noise and the noise generated by cavity resonance are interacted with each other in the cavity of water heater to form a series of peak frequencies. The effect of noise reduction is obvious by intake from the top instead of the back, which causes the average acoustic powers being declined by 5.6 dB(A) and 4.7 dB(A) under maximum and normal loads respectively. Meanwhile, the drop of sound pressure level in low and middle frequency bands is obvious, and a certain extent of drop of sound pressure level at high frequency can be found. Increasing silencer shroud can reduce high-frequency noise, but noise reduction effect is less obvious due to small circulation area and big resistance.
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