Noise reduction methodology of factory ventilation system based on the noise source identification and sound field simulation
投稿时间:2016-10-11  修订日期:2016-12-20
中文关键词: 工厂通风系统噪声  声源识别  声场模拟  降噪方案  降噪效果评估
英文关键词: factory ventilation system noise  noise source identification  source field simulation  noise reduction proposal  noise reduction effect assessment
王伟辉 台湾海洋大学  
陈思豪 翰声科技股份有限公司 csh26373017@gmail.com 
郑杰元 翰声科技股份有限公司  
林桂仪 劳动及职业安全卫生研究所  
黄育平 劳动及职业安全卫生研究所  
摘要点击次数: 1621
全文下载次数: 1159
      In factory plants,the ventilation systems must be installed for the purpose of air intake,exhaust and dust collection.Owing to its wide range of distribution,the ventilation noise become another main indoor noise source other than the electro-mechanical equipment,and which have a great impact on the operation acoustic environment of the workers in a factory.The source mechanism of the ventilation noise is mainly from the vibration of the hangers of the ventilation duct,the flow noise generated at the inlet and outlet of the duct,the vibroacoustic noise generated at the duct wall,and the transmission noise of the duct flow noise in the duct.This article established a set of techniques used for the measurement of sound source and sound field,the spectral analysis,noise diagnosis and ranking,and the noise reduction simulation of ventilation noise in factories.As an application example,three proposals of noise reduction configuration for the ventilation system in a factory are provided,simulated and compared.Such kind methodology can greatly raise the confidence of the decision maker for the selection of noise reduction plan and the expectability of noise reduction effects.
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