曾祥旭,章新华,李鹏,焦义民.基于干扰方位跟踪的自适应干扰抑制方法[J].声学技术,2017,36(3):293~296 |
基于干扰方位跟踪的自适应干扰抑制方法 |
A method of adaptive interference suppression based on interference azimuth tracking |
投稿时间:2016-10-04 修订日期:2016-12-08 |
DOI:10.16300/j.cnki.1000-3630.2017.03.017 |
中文关键词: 自适应干扰抑制 干扰方位跟踪 互谱密度矩阵 特征分解 |
英文关键词: adaptive interference suppression interference azimuth tracking cross-spectral density matrix eigendecomposition |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(61271443) |
摘要点击次数: 1473 |
全文下载次数: 1111 |
中文摘要: |
针对复杂海洋环境中声呐探测弱目标易被强干扰淹没的问题,提出一种对被动声呐探测到的强干扰源进行跟踪抑制的方法,通过对观测数据的互谱密度矩阵(Cross Spectral Density Matrix,CSDM)进行特征分解,根据干扰方位范围的先验知识,对干扰源的方位进行跟踪,依据方位信息选择代表强干扰的特征向量,依此根据不同的算法重构剔除了干扰信息的CSDM。数值仿真和海试数据验证结果表明,该方法能够在已知干扰初始方位区域的情况下自适应地抑制强干扰,较好地保留并提取目标信息,检测出感兴趣的目标。该方法为后续的目标识别与跟踪提供了有利条件。 |
英文摘要: |
For sonar detection in real ocean environment,the target of interest is often submerged in strong interferences.In this paper,a method with the feature that some of the most powerful interferences detected by the sonar can be adaptively tracked and suppressed is proposed.According to the priori information of these strong interference azimuth ranges,we use the eigen-decomposition of the cross-spectral density matrix (CSDM) of observation data adaptively to track these strong interferences and choose the eigenvectors representing the strong interferences.Then the CSDM that eliminates the interference information is reconstructed by using different algorithms.The validation results of numerical simulation and sea trial data show that this method can effectively suppress interferences,extract the target information and detect the target of interest.Moreover,this method can provide favorable conditions for subsequent target recognition and tracking. |
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