Influence of soundscape edge effect on soundscape evaluation of the West Lake Park in Fuzhou
投稿时间:2017-07-10  修订日期:2017-09-13
中文关键词: 声景观边缘效应  城市公园  语义差别法(SD法)
英文关键词: soundscape edge effect  urban park  Semantic Differential Method
张薇 福建农林大学园林学院, 福建福州 350002  
洪昕晨 福建农林大学园林学院, 福建福州 350002  
段芮 福建农林大学园林学院, 福建福州 350002  
郑艺琦 福建农林大学园林学院, 福建福州 350002  
林洲瑜 福建农林大学园林学院, 福建福州 350002  
兰思仁 福建农林大学园林学院, 福建福州 350002 lsr9636@163.com 
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      基于声景生态学,研究城市公园声景观边缘效应,以福州西湖公园为研究对象,采用实地调查法及语义差别法(Semantic Differential Method,SD),进行城市公园边界内外两侧空间的声景观评价。结果表明:(1)公园绿地边缘对声景观有优化作用,大部分情况下,声景观边缘效应在公园边缘外侧比内侧更明显,该效应一定程度上会影响景观使用者的心理感知;(2)公园不同质边缘的声景观边缘效应强度依次为:地形 > 种植 > 水体 > 广场;(3)受声景观边缘效应影响较大的项目包括:噪声、气氛、美感、情绪、舒适度、愉悦度、吸引力。该研究将城市公园声景观评价由公园内部拓展到公园边缘及外部,为城市公园声景观的规划设计和声景观边缘效应研究提供了重要参考。
      Based on soundscape ecology, this paper studies the edge effect of soundscape. Taking the West Lake Park in Fuzhou as an example, through site observation and measurement and using Semantic Differential Method, the study conducts a landscape evaluation of inside and outside the urban park boundaries. The main conclusions are as follows:(1) The edge of parks has an optimization effect on the soundscape, and in most cases, the soundscape edge effect in the outer side of the park is more obvious than that in the inner side, and this effect affects the overall psychological feelings to some extent. (2) The intensity of the soundscape edge effect varies in different edge conditions, the intensity order is as follows:topography > plant community > water body > square. (3) The main factors affected by soundscape edge effect include noise, atmosphere, aesthetics, emotion, comfort, pleasure and attraction. In this paper, the soundscape evaluation of urban parks is extended from the interior to the edge and the exterior of the park, thus providing a theoretical basis for the further research, planning and design of the urban park soundscape.
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