沈国清,何春龙,黄晓宇,张世平,安连锁.双峰分布颗粒物的声团聚实验研究[J].声学技术,2017,36(6):516~521 |
双峰分布颗粒物的声团聚实验研究 |
Experimental research on acoustic agglomeration of particles with bimodal distribution |
投稿时间:2017-03-24 修订日期:2017-06-05 |
DOI:10.16300/j.cnki.1000-3630.2017.06.003 |
中文关键词: 双峰分布颗粒 声波团聚 受力分析 声压级 频率 |
英文关键词: bimodal distribution particles acoustic agglomeration force analysis sound pressure level frequency |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(11674093) |
摘要点击次数: 1318 |
全文下载次数: 1067 |
中文摘要: |
从微观受力角度探索颗粒(Particulate Matter,PM)团聚和破碎效果,声压级越大,团聚体临界粒径越小。通过实验研究了0~200 μm的双峰分布颗粒物中可吸入颗粒在声场中的团聚效果。在500~3 500 Hz、70~140 dB声场条件下,研究了声波频率和声场强度对声波团聚的影响。在120 dB的声场条件下,双峰分布颗粒团聚存在的最佳频率范围为1 800~2 300 Hz,团聚效率达到25%~30%。在70~120 dB实验范围,团聚效率随声压级的增加先增后减。在140 dB时,大颗粒明显破碎,小颗粒增多。将声波团聚技术应用到燃煤电站烟气中的可吸入颗粒物处理中,需要同时考虑声场的破碎作用,建议将声波团聚室布置在电除尘器之后。 |
英文摘要: |
In this paper, the effects of particle agglomeration and fragmentation are explored from the microscopic stress. The bigger the sound pressure level, the smaller the critical particle size of aggregate will be. The acoustic agglomeration of inhalable particles in 0~200 μm bimodal particles is studied by experiments. The influence of sound intensity and acoustic frequency on the acoustic agglomeration are studied under the condition of 500~3 500 Hz and 70~140 dB. Under 120 dB, the best frequencies of 1 800~2 300 Hz exist for bimodal particles, and the agglomeration efficiency can reach 25%~30%. In the experimental range of 70~120 dB, the agglomeration efficiency increases first and then decreases. Large particles are broken and small particles increase in the particle size distribution under 140 dB. For the treatment of inhalable particles in flue gas of coal-fired power plant by using acoustic agglomeration technique, it is necessary to consider the crushing effect of the sound field, and recommended to arrange the acoustic chamber behind the electrostatic precipitator. |
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