严雨霖,应涛,窦超然,郗艳,王霞.基于断层超声、磁共振和三维磁共振重建的女性肛提肌影像学研究[J].声学技术,2017,36(6):562~566 |
基于断层超声、磁共振和三维磁共振重建的女性肛提肌影像学研究 |
Imaging study of female levator ani muscle by TUI, MRI and three dimensional MRI reconstruction |
投稿时间:2017-04-06 修订日期:2017-08-06 |
DOI:10.16300/j.cnki.1000-3630.2017.06.011 |
中文关键词: 女性肛提肌 断层超声 磁共振 三维重建 |
英文关键词: Female levator ani muscle TUI MRI Three-dimensional reconstruction |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目(81571699) |
摘要点击次数: 1400 |
全文下载次数: 1226 |
中文摘要: |
目的:应用断层超声成像(Tomographic Ultrasound Imaging, TUI)、磁共振成像(Magnetic Resonance Imaging, MRI)及磁共振三维重建对未育女性肛提肌解剖结构进行影像学研究。方法:以10例未育女性为研究对象。采用经会阴三维超声取得肛提肌TUI图像,MRI对其进行盆底扫描,获得肛提肌薄层图像,采用医学图像重建软件Mimics重建出肛提肌的三维立体几何模型。结果:TUI可以显示盆底耻骨直肠肌、耻骨肛管肌、耻骨会阴肌,MRI可以显示盆底耻骨直肠肌、耻骨肛管肌、耻骨会阴肌、髂尾肌,TUI和MRI都难以显示耻骨阴道肌,MRI三维重建可以空间多角度观察耻骨直肠肌、耻骨肛管肌、耻骨会阴肌、髂尾肌的形态及其组成部分。结论:TUI和MRI均可识别肛提肌的结构与组成,MRI对于髂尾肌的识别较TUI更佳,MRI三维重建可以更直观地显示肛提肌立体形态。 |
英文摘要: |
Objective:To identify the anatomical structures of nulliparous female levator ani muscle by tomographic ultrasound imaging (TUI), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and magnetic resonance reconstruction. Methods:10 nulliparous women with normal pelvic support were recruited in this study. Using TUI obtains images of levator ani muscle, and using MRI to scan levator ani muscle obtains images of thin slices. Then a three-dimensional model of the levator ani muscle is created by Mimics software. Results:TUI can display the composition of the levator ani muscle including puborectal, puboanal and puboperineal. MRI can display the composition of the levator ani muscle including puborectal, puboanal, puboperineal and iliococcygeus. TUI and MRI can neither display pubovaginal. The three-dimensional MRI reconstruction can perform multi-view observation of the shapes and components of levator ani muscle. Conclusions:TUI and MRI can identify the structures and compositions of levator ani muscle. However, MRI for the recognition of iliococcygeus is much better than TUI. The three-dimensional MRI reconstruction is more intuitive to show the three-dimensional form of levator ani muscle. |
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