Research on the method of using ANP data to predict aircraft lateral noise
投稿时间:2017-04-12  修订日期:2017-06-11
中文关键词: 边线噪声预测  边线噪声测量点  噪声与性能数据库  有效感觉噪声级
英文关键词: prediction algorithm  lateral noise measurement point  ANP database  effective perceived noise level (EPNL)
闫国华 中国民航大学航空工程学院, 天津 300300  
李灏檑 中国民航大学航空工程学院, 天津 300300 455639019@qq.com 
摘要点击次数: 1263
全文下载次数: 1214
      不同于飞机进场和起飞时噪声的测量点位置基本固定,在实际噪声测量过程中,边线噪声测量点的位置无法固定,使得边线噪声级难以准确测量。而利用美国汽车工程师学会(Society of Automotive Engineers,SAE)提供的飞机噪声与性能数据库(Aircraft Noise and Performance,ANP),可以计算出不同飞机起飞过程中的边线噪声有效感觉噪声级。其中包括计算起飞剖面航迹,利用噪声-功率距离(Noise-Power-Distance,NPD)数据插值计算,确定噪声级修正参数等内容。通过得出的不同机型在标准状态下的边线噪声数据,可以进一步判定边线噪声测量点的摆放位置,从而使得在实际测量过程中可以得到更准确的噪声数据。这不仅对同类型飞机的边线噪声预测起到一定的帮助作用,还可以缩短新飞机噪声的合格审定周期。
      The measurement points for the approach and takeoff noises are basically fixed. However, in the actual noise measurement process, the measurement points for lateral noise can not be fixed, so the lateral noise level is difficult to measure accurately. By using the ANP database provided by SAE, we can calculate the effective perceived lateral noise levels of different aircraft during takeoff. This includes the calculation of takeoff profile track and the use of NPD (Noise-Power-Distance) data interpolation calculation to determine the noise level correction parameters. Through the lateral noise data of different types of aircraft obtained under standard state, we can further determine the lateral noise measurement positions, so that more accurate noise data can be gathered in the actual measurement process. This can not only help to predict the noise of the same type of aircraft, but also shorten the cycle of new aircraft noise certification.
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