Experimental study of sound insulation performance of double-glazed windows with different structure parameters
投稿时间:2017-07-07  修订日期:2017-09-09
中文关键词: 双层窗  隔声性能  测试分析
英文关键词: double-glazed window  sound insulation performance  test and analysis
朱杰 上海市房地产科学研究院, 上海 200031 jiez0114@126.com 
陈洋 上海市房地产科学研究院, 上海 200031  
蔡乐刚 上海市房地产科学研究院, 上海 200031  
摘要点击次数: 1115
全文下载次数: 867
      通过试验研究玻璃构造形式与规格、开启方式与密封形式、双层窗间距及窗框型材对双层窗隔声性能的影响,分析得出:玻璃构造形式与规格对双层窗的计权隔声量影响较小,其空气声隔声量频率特性曲线相近,低频共振频率主要出现在160~250 Hz范围;外平开/内推拉形式双层窗的隔声性能与双平开形式双层窗相当,均显著优于双推拉形式双层窗,且推拉窗采用包覆式密封条替换普通毛条,对提升外平开/内推拉形式双层窗的隔声量有一定效果;在相同条件下,当两层窗之间的间距大于90 mm时,双层窗构件的计权隔声量相近,隔声性能优于间距为80 mm的双层窗。
      The influence of different structure parameters on sound insulation performance of double-glazed windows are studied experimentally, including glass structures and specifications, open mode and sealing form, spacing between double windows and window frame profiles. The results show that glass structures and specifications have small effect on the weighted sound isolation of double-glazed windows, and the frequency characteristic curves of air sound insulation quantity for them are similar, and the resonance frequency mainly appears in 160~250 Hz. The sound insulation performances of the double-glazed window with outswing and inner sliding forms are basically the same as the double swing windows, but better than the double sliding windows significantly. Furthermore, using of coated seals instead of seal strips is effective to enhance sound insulation for double-glazed windows. When spacing between the double windows is greater than 90 mm, the sound insulation performances are almost the same, which are superior to the double-glazed windows of 80 mm spacing.
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