费馨慧,吴元晶,陈健翎,林心影,赖鹏程,黄启堂.城市公园声景恢复性评价体系构建——以福州金鸡山公园为例[J].声学技术,2020,39(6):736~743 |
城市公园声景恢复性评价体系构建——以福州金鸡山公园为例 |
Construction of soundscape restoration evaluation system in urban parks:take Fuzhou Jinji Mountain Park as an example |
投稿时间:2020-06-29 修订日期:2020-07-22 |
DOI:10.16300/j.cnki.1000-3630.2020.06.014 |
中文关键词: 群体层次分析法 模糊综合评价法 恢复性 声景生态学 |
英文关键词: group analytic hierarchy fuzzy comprehensive evaluation restoration soundscape ecology |
基金项目:福建省科技厅引导性项目(2017Y0003)、优硕资助基金项目(1122YS01004) |
摘要点击次数: 795 |
全文下载次数: 402 |
中文摘要: |
从声景生态学及环境心理学的角度出发,以城市公园声景为研究对象,通过群体层次分析法及模糊综合评价法,根据恢复性环境相关属性,参考视觉景观恢复性评价体系构建模式,文章确立远离性、吸引及兼容性、丰富性作为声景恢复性评价的相关指标,建立集合判断矩阵对各指标赋权并建立等级制度,最终得出声景恢复性评价量化模型。通过该模型对金鸡山公园的声景进行实地研究,提出了针对声景恢复性的景观提升建议。结果显示,三类声景对恢复性效果的影响程度从高到低分别是:生物声(0.474 7)、地球物理声(0.362 7)、人工声(0.162 6)。对三类声景恢复性效果影响程度最高的因素均是其对应的吸引与兼容性。据集合后权重得出三类声景及其各类属性对城市公园声景恢复性效果影响程度高低的排序,以期能够通过声景恢复性评价体系的构建及实地研究经验,为今后景观空间中的声景营造提供参考意见和数据支撑,让更多研究者关注到声景恢复性的相关建设。 |
英文摘要: |
From the viewpoints of sound landscape ecology and environmental psychology, this paper takes the soundscape in landscape space as the research object and links the soundscape with human body restoration. By means of group analytic hierarchy process (GAHP) and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, according to the related attribute of the restoration environment and referring to the construction mode of the visual landscape restoration evaluation system, this paper takes remoteness, attraction, compatibility and richness as relevant indicators of soundscape restoration evaluation to establish the set judgment matrix and give weight to each indicator for hierarch analysis. Finally, the quantitative evaluation model of the soundscape restoration is obtained. Based on this model, the soundscape restoration of Jinji Mountain Park is studied and some suggestions for construction and promotion of soundscape are put forward. The results show that the influence levels of three kinds of soundscape on restoration effect from high to low are biological sound (0.474 7), geophysical sound (0.362 7) and artificial sound (0.162 6). The factors that affect the restoration effect of three kinds of soundscapes are attraction and compatibility. According to the weight values of the set, the order of the influence of three kinds of soundscape and their attributes on the soundscape restoration effect of urban park is obtained. Through the construction of soundscape restoration evaluation system and field research experience, a reference and data support could be provided for soundscape construction in landscape space in the future, so that more researchers pay attention to soundscape restoration related construction. |
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