Improvement of the calculation for planar array directivity index
投稿时间:2020-03-15  修订日期:2020-04-15
中文关键词: 平面阵  指向性指数  估算公式  适用性
英文关键词: planar array  directivity index  estimation formula  applicability
诸洁琪 杭州应用声学研究所, 浙江杭州 310012 zhujieqi20064791@sina.com 
申屠铠宇 杭州应用声学研究所, 浙江杭州 310012  
陈伏虎 杭州应用声学研究所, 浙江杭州 310012  
摘要点击次数: 1088
全文下载次数: 449
      The planar array directivity index calculated by the formula in the book of "Sonar for Practising Engineers" is usually used to estimate sonar detection range. However, the estimated result is different from actual calculated value. In many other existing formulas for estimating directivity index of planar array at home and abroad, there are some other problems, such as large errors, complex expressions, or unclear theoretical derivation. In view of the fact that the accuracies of many domestic and foreign directivity index estimation formulas of planar array are different, the improved theoretical derivation and comparative analysis are made in this paper, so that the estimated value can be closer to the true value. In addition, the corresponding simulation analysis and verification are performed. The result proves that the estimation formula in this paper is closer to the true results and it is applicable to other curved arrays such as cylindrical array.
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