贾尚帅,韩铁礼,吴礼福,邹海山,王军.基于实验室重现噪声的高速列车车厢主动降噪实验研究[J].声学技术,2021,40(2):240~245 |
基于实验室重现噪声的高速列车车厢主动降噪实验研究 |
Experimental study of active noise control in high-speed train carriage based on laboratory reproduced noise |
投稿时间:2019-11-26 修订日期:2020-01-06 |
DOI:10.16300/j.cnki.1000-3630.2021.02.015 |
中文关键词: 主动噪声控制 局部降噪 高速列车 车厢 |
英文关键词: active noise control local control high-speed train carriage |
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中文摘要: |
为降低高速列车运行时的车厢内低频噪声,研究了车厢内大范围区域的噪声主动控制问题。针对高速列车运行实测噪声频谱与目标降噪区域尺寸(1.8 m×2.5 m×1.3 m),设计48通道的前馈主动控制系统。按照比较匀称的排列方式,次级声源布放在车厢内除底部的其余5个面上,误差点分布在目标区域。通过测量各声学路径传递函数,离线计算和控制滤波器工作状态。在半消声室内进行一节车厢布局的降噪实验,使用车外声场重现系统播放4种车速工况下的初级噪声,测量主动控制系统的降噪性能并分析不同车速下噪声和不同参考信号下系统性能的异同。结果表明,对于不同车速的噪声,使用车厢窗户的振动信号为参考信号,在目标区域48个测量点可获得3.1~4.7 dB(A)的平均降噪量,验证了主动控制系统在大范围区域实现降噪的可行性。 |
英文摘要: |
To reduce the low-frequency noise in the carriage of a high-speed train, active noise control over a large area of the carriage is studied. A 48-channel feed forward active control system is designed based on the measured noise spectrums of the high-speed train and the sizes of the target area (1.8 m×2.5 m×1.3 m). According to well-balanced arrangements, the secondary sources are placed on the five surfaces in the carriage except bottom and the error points are distributed in the target area. The off-line calculation and control of filter operating states are performed by measuring acoustic transfer functions of acoustic paths. The noise reduction experiment in the carriage is carried out in a semi-anechoic room, and the sound field reproduction system outside the carriage is used to generate the primary noises at four train speeds. The noise reduction performances of the active control system are measured, and the system performances for different primary noises and different reference signals are analyzed. The results show that by taking the vibration signals of carriage window as reference signals, an average noise reduction of 3.1~4.7 dB(A) can be obtained at 48 measurement points in the target area for the primary noises at different train speeds. The feasibility of the active control system for noise reduction in a large area is verified. |
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