Optimal design of broadband sound absorption performance of honeycomb microperforated sound absorber
投稿时间:2021-01-22  修订日期:2021-03-02
中文关键词: 蜂窝-微穿孔板结构  粒子群优化(PSO)  吸声性能  优化设计
英文关键词: honeycomb microperforated structure  particle swarm optimization(PSO)  sound absorption  optimal design
熊引 南昌航空大学飞行器工程学院, 江西南昌 330063  
吴锦武 南昌航空大学飞行器工程学院, 江西南昌 330063 wujinwu@nchu.edu.cn 
燕山林 南昌航空大学飞行器工程学院, 江西南昌 330063  
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      针对蜂窝微穿孔吸声体结构,利用粒子群优化(Particle Swarm Optimization,PSO)算法优化吸声体结构的吸声性能。以三蜂窝芯的蜂窝微穿孔吸声体结构中微穿孔板的孔径、穿孔率和背腔深度为优化设计变量,以吸声体的吸声系数和吸声频带为优化目标,得到吸声体宽频范围吸声时的优化结构参数。将三参数优化、两参数优化及常规结构参数三种情况下计算得到的吸声性能进行对比。由结果分析可知:优化三参数得到的吸声体吸声性能远优于常规结构参数下吸声结果,在双参数优化中,穿孔率及腔深优化最接近于三参数优化。最后研究了吸声体中微穿孔板的每个参数对优化结果的影响。
      In this paper, particle swarm optimization (PSO) is used to optimize the sound absorption performance of honeycomb micro perforated absorber. Aperture, perforation rate and back cavity depth of the microperforated panel in three honeycomb cores are set as the optimized design variables. The optimal structural parameters of absorber in a wide frequency range are obtained by taking absorption coefficient and absorption frequency band of the absorber as the optimization objectives. The sound absorption performances calculated under the three conditions of threeparameter optimization, two-parameter optimization and conventional structural parameters are compared. The results show that the sound absorption performance of the absorber optimized by three-parameter is much better than that of the conventional structure parameters. Meanwhile, the results in two-parameter optimization of perforation rate and cavity depth are closest to that in three-parameter optimization of perforation rate and cavity depth and aperture. In addition, the influence of each parameter of the microperforated panel of the absorber on the optimization results is studied.
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