Research on low-frequency target scattering in deep water waveguide
投稿时间:2022-01-04  修订日期:2022-01-26
中文关键词: 深海波导  声散射  边界元  会聚区  可靠声路径
英文关键词: deep water waveguide  sound scattering  boundary element  convergence zone  reliable acoustic path
张建民 中国科学院声学研究所北海研究站, 山东青岛 266114
中国海洋大学信息科学与工程学部, 山东青岛 266100 
安俊英 中国科学院声学研究所北海研究站, 山东青岛 266114  
摘要点击次数: 668
全文下载次数: 398
      针对深海环境中目标的主动探测问题,建立了深海波导中目标低频声散射仿真的简正波耦合边界元理论模型。首先仿真了深海波导中Munk声速剖面条件下的声传播特性,然后根据深海波导中的声传播特性,仿真计算了声源位于不同深度时,波导中目标低频散射回波强度随声源与目标之间水平距离变化的特性。仿真结果表明,当声源深度为100 m (近海面)与1 400 m (声道轴)时,受完全声道的影响,在会聚区附近范围内散射回波强度较大;声源深度为4 900 m (近海底)时,受直达波与一次海面反射波的影响,在中近距离(小于40 km)范围内散射回波强度较大;对于接收水听器而言,置于临界深度以下时主动探测的距离更远。
      For active detection of underwater target in deep sea environment, the model of normal mode coupled boundary element method is established. In this paper, the acoustic propagation characteristics in deep sea under Munk sound speed profile are simulated firstly, and then based on the propagation characteristics the scattering echo strengths varied with horizontal distances and vertical depths are calculated when the source located at different depths. The simulation results show that the target scattering echo strength near the convergence zone is large due to the influence of complete sound channel when the source located at the depth of 100 m (near the sea surface) or 1 400 m (channel axis). and the target scattering echo strength is large in the middle and short ranges (less than 40 km) due to the influence of direct wave and surface reflected wave when the source located at the depth of 4 900 m (near the sea seabed). The results also show that the larger detection range may be achieved when the receiving hydrophones located at the depth deeper than critical depth.
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