Analysis on the spectral level characteristics of ship-associated ocean ambient noise in Qingdao offshore
投稿时间:2021-11-12  修订日期:2022-01-24
中文关键词: 海洋环境噪声  近海海域  航船  禁渔  功率谱密度
英文关键词: ocean ambient noise  offshore waters  ships  fishing ban  power spectrum density
孙军平 中国科学院声学研究所北海研究站, 山东青岛 266114  
林建恒 中国科学院声学研究所北海研究站, 山东青岛 266114 linjh@mail.ioa.ac.cn 
衣雪娟 中国科学院声学研究所北海研究站, 山东青岛 266114  
江鹏飞 中国科学院声学研究所北海研究站, 山东青岛 266114  
李娜 中国科学院声学研究所北海研究站, 山东青岛 266114  
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      为了了解航船以及禁渔政策对我国近海海域低频环境噪声特性的影响,文章分析了青岛近海航道区域和非航道区域的海洋环境噪声在25~500 Hz频段实测数据的1/3倍频程功率谱密度。结果表明,在30~100 Hz频段,航道附近海域海洋环境噪声谱级比非航道海域高大约5~10 dB;非禁渔期在150~400 Hz频段的海洋环境噪声谱级比禁渔期高大约4~5.5 dB。文章获取的近海低频环境噪声谱级特性,对了解和利用我国以及世界范围内近海环境噪声低频特性具有较重要借鉴意义。
      To understand the impact of ships and fishing ban policies on low-frequency ambient noise spectral levels in offshore waters, the one-third octave power spectrum density (PSD) in the frequency band of 25~500 Hz of the ocean ambient noise data measured in the waters near shipping lane and far off shipping lane in Qingdao offshore are analyzed. The analysis results show that in the frequency band of 30~100 Hz, the ocean ambient noise spectral level near the shipping lane is about 5~10 dB higher than that in other sea areas. The spectral level of ocean ambient noise in fishing seasons is about 4~5.5 dB higher than that in the banned fishing periods in 150~400 Hz. The features of low frequency environment noise spectral levels presented in this paper have important reference values for the analysis and application of the low-frequency characteristics of offshore ambient noise at home and abroad.
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