赵志伟,莫喜平,刘永平.弯曲圆盘三元密排阵幅相特性及其宽带应用[J].声学技术,2022,41(4):613~617 |
弯曲圆盘三元密排阵幅相特性及其宽带应用 |
Amplitude-phase characteristics and its broadband application of a ternary dense array of bender transducer |
投稿时间:2021-04-12 修订日期:2021-06-03 |
DOI:10.16300/j.cnki.1000-3630.2022.04.020 |
中文关键词: 密排阵 弯曲圆盘换能器 幅相特性 相位驱动 宽带 |
英文关键词: dense array bender transducer amplitude-phase characteristics phase-driven broadband |
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中文摘要: |
通过对三元弯曲圆盘换能器密排阵的阵元辐射面振动特性进行的分析,提出了利用辐射面驱动相位的调整来提高阵列带宽的方法。仿真分析指出:调整功能材料的驱动电压相位,可以提高二阶和三阶谐振时阵列中各辐射面的外法线方向振动位移幅值,调节各辐射面间的振动相位差,可以提高第二个和第三个谐振峰对应的发送电压响应值,降低前三阶谐振峰间响应曲线的起伏,从而达到提高阵列的可用工作带宽的目的。实验结果表明,调整驱动相位的方法可以实现密排阵列的低频宽带发射。 |
英文摘要: |
Based on the analysis of the vibration characteristics of each radiation surface of a ternary dense array of bender transducer, a method of adjusting the driving phases of radiation surfaces is proposed to increase the bandwidth of the dense array. The analysis points out that by adjusting the phase of the driving voltage of the functional material, the vibration displacement amplitudes in the outer normal direction of each radiation surface of the array increase at the second and the third order resonances, by adjusting the vibration phase difference between the radiation surfaces, the peaks corresponding to the second and the third order resonances in the transmitting voltage response (TVR) curve increase, and the fluctuation between the first three peaks in the TVR curve decrease, thereby the available operation bandwidth can be broadened. Experimental results show that the driving phase adjustment method can achieve the low frequency broadband emission effect of the dense array. |
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