Full immersion measurement on the sound speed and attenuation of the abyssal silty-clay sediment in South China Sea
投稿时间:2021-04-08  修订日期:2021-07-29
中文关键词: 沉积物  声速  衰减  超细  
英文关键词: sediment  sound speed  attenuation  ultrafine  tube
基金项目:Natural Science Foundation of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (2022D01C348, 2020D01B25), Tianshan innovation team project of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (2021D14013).
曹星慧 新疆理工学院, 新疆阿克苏 843000
中国科学院深海科学与工程研究所, 海南三亚 572000 
曲治国 中国科学院深海科学与工程研究所, 海南三亚 572000  
甄换成 新疆理工学院, 新疆阿克苏 843000  
程辉 新疆理工学院, 新疆阿克苏 843000  
摘要点击次数: 664
全文下载次数: 503
      提出了一种宽带声速和声衰减测量方法,该方法利用全浸式传感器测量技术(FITM)在实验室环境下对超细沉积物(平均粒径为5.27 μm,孔隙率为79%)的声速和声衰减进行了测量。为确定该实验室测量方法的可靠性,将该声速与声衰减关系与Kramer-Kronig关系进行了比较。同时,Hamilton经典曲线表明,该实验室测量结果符合声速与孔隙度关系,且声衰减在Hamilton曲线置信区间内。测量数据满足有效密度流体模型和颗粒剪切模型的声速和衰减预测曲线,进一步证明了实验室测量方法的准确性和有效性。
      By using full-immersion transducer measurement (FITM), a broadband sound speed and attenuation measurement method is presented, which provides a way to obtain the sound speed and attenuation of ultrafine sediments (average particle size of 5.27 μm and porosity of 79%) in laboratory. The dependence between sound speed and attenuation was compared with Kramers-Kronig relation for confirming the reliability of the in-lab measurement. Meanwhile, Hamilton classic curves indicate that the in-lab measurement results meet the speed-porosity relation, and the attenuation from the in-lab method is within the confidence interval of Hamilton curves. The sound speed and attenuation prediction curves of the effective density fluid model and the grain-shearing model are satisfied which also proves the accuracy and availability of the in-lab measurement method.
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