Transmission loss calculation and performance analysis of perforated-tube mufflers with non-uniform flow
投稿时间:2021-03-10  修订日期:2021-05-28
中文关键词: 声学  穿孔管消声器  流动效应  有限元法  传递损失
英文关键词: acoustics  perforated tube muffler  flow effect  finite element model (FEM)  transmission loss
陈志响 潍柴动力股份有限公司内燃机可靠性国家重点实验室, 山东潍坊 261061 czx_heu@163.com 
季振林 哈尔滨工程大学动力与能源工程学院, 黑龙江哈尔滨 150001  
马庆镇 潍柴动力股份有限公司内燃机可靠性国家重点实验室, 山东潍坊 261061  
陈国强 潍柴动力股份有限公司内燃机可靠性国家重点实验室, 山东潍坊 261061  
孟祥旗 潍柴动力股份有限公司内燃机可靠性国家重点实验室, 山东潍坊 261061  
张超 潍柴动力股份有限公司内燃机可靠性国家重点实验室, 山东潍坊 261061  
摘要点击次数: 553
全文下载次数: 732
      实际应用中的消声器通常具有比较复杂的内部结构,其内部流体速度分布不均匀,而且消声器内部的回流管路和穿孔元件使得消声器内部的流体流动更加复杂,其消声性能不可避免地受到流体流动的影响。为了计算非均匀流条件下穿孔管消声器的传递损失,应用计算流体力学(Computational Fluid Dynamics, CFD)软件FLUENT计算消声器内部的流场,然后将流体属性通过网格映射的方式转移到LMS Virtual Lab声学有限元模型中,并且选用不同的穿孔阻抗模型计算消声器的传递损失,计算结果与实验测量结果进行了比较。文章对消声器内部流场的流动特征也做了仔细地分析,并研究了气体流速对消声器传递损失的影响,随着气体流速的增加,消声器的传递损失会增大,共振峰的峰值会减小。
      Mufflers in practical engineering applications often contain complex internal components and the internal flow field is distributed unevenly. In addition, the flow-reversing pipes and perforated elements in the muffler further complicate the flow patterns. Therefore, the effect of non-uniform flow on acoustic attenuation performance of mufflers should be carefully studied. In order to calculate the transmission loss (TL) of muffler, the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software FLUENT is used to capture the inner flow field, and then the fluid property data are imported to the acoustic finite element model of LMS Virtual Lab. The different perforated impedance models are adopted to calculate TL, and the numerical results are compared with the results of previously published experimental measurements. The characteristics of the flow inside muffler are studied in detail. Furthermore, the effect of flow velocity on the acoustic attenuation performance of muffler is investigated. It is concluded that for the studied muffler, increasing flow velocity raises the TL and lowers the resonance peaks.
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