Experimental study of traffic noise impact on pedestrians in pedestrian and vehicle mixed urban tunnel
投稿时间:2022-04-16  修订日期:2022-05-28
中文关键词: 城市隧道  交通噪声  声压级  频谱  降噪措施
英文关键词: urban tunnel  traffic noise  sound pressure level  spectrum  noise reduction measures
张振伟 安徽理工大学土木建筑学院, 安徽淮南 232000  
侯万钧 河北工程大学建筑与艺术学院, 河北邯郸 056000
天津大学建筑学院, 天津 300072 
黄云峰 安徽理工大学土木建筑学院, 安徽淮南 232000  
褚作勇 安徽理工大学土木建筑学院, 安徽淮南 232000  
摘要点击次数: 561
全文下载次数: 331
      为研究人车混行城市隧道内机动车噪声对行人的影响,文章在洞山隧道内部、口部、外部等间距布置8个测点,利用RTA840双通道实时分析仪测试了20min内的交通噪声等效声压级、频谱和车辆从行人旁边经过时3s内的交通噪声瞬时声压级、频谱。测得:(1) 隧道内部的交通噪声等效声压级为82dB(A),比隧道外等效声压级高10dB(A)。(2) 隧道外部、口部、内部的交通噪声频谱曲线特征相同,在20~2 000Hz范围内声压级较高且呈“M”形。(3) 当车辆在隧道内部从行人旁通过时,交通噪声瞬时声压级达到86dB(A);瞬时噪声频谱相比于背景噪声频谱在20~8 000Hz频段范围内声压级均有明显增大。最后结合测试结果和洞山隧道实际从吸声、隔声、管理三方面总结隧道内声环境改善措施。
      The impact of motor vehicle noise on pedestrians in urban tunnel is studied by arranging eight equal spacing measuring points, at the interior, mouth, and exterior of Dongshan tunnel. The equivalent sound pressure level and spectrum of traffic noise within 20 min and the instantaneous sound pressure level and spectrum of traffic noise within 3 s when vehicles pass by pedestrians are measured by RTA840 dual channel real-time analyzer. The following measurement results are: (1) the equivalent sound pressure level of traffic noise inside the tunnel is 82 dB(A), which is 10 dB(A) higher than that outside the tunnel; (2) The spectrum characteristics of traffic noise outside tunnel and at the interior, mouth and exterior of the tunnel are the same, and the sound pressure level is high and the spectrum distribution curve is in the shape of "M" in the frequency band of 20~2 000 Hz; (3) When vehicles pass by pedestrians in the tunnel, the instantaneous sound pressure level of traffic noise reaches 86 dB(A), and compared with the background noise spectrum, the instantaneous noise spectrum levels are significantly increased in the frequency band of 20~8 000 Hz. Finally, combined with the test results and the actual situation of Dongshan tunnel, the traffic noise improvement measures for the acoustic environment in the tunnel are summarized from three aspects: sound absorption, sound insulation and management.
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