罗马奇,郝浩琦,寇红军,汲长远,吴友亮.声障板对单双壳体近表面声压增益影响的计算与分析[J].声学技术,2023,42(4):431~439 |
声障板对单双壳体近表面声压增益影响的计算与分析 |
Calculation and analysis of the influence of acoustic baffle on the near-surface sound pressure gain of single and double shells |
投稿时间:2023-05-05 修订日期:2023-06-13 |
DOI:10.16300/j.cnki.1000-3630.2023.04.004 |
中文关键词: 单壳体 双壳体 声障板 声压增益 |
英文关键词: single shell double shells acoustic baffles sound pressure gain |
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中文摘要: |
根据单双壳体声场的特点,采用不同的反声或吸声障板,对贴覆障板前后壳体近表面处声压增益的变化进行了数值计算,分析声障板对壳体近表面声场的影响,分析不同类型声障板解决双壳体在某些频点增益的正负突变问题的能力以及单壳体贴覆障板的效果。计算结果表明,声障板对于提高双壳体前表面的声压增益有明显效果,且多层橡胶复合反声障板优于泡沫反声障板,总体上吸声障板比反声障板更具优势。对于单壳体,从提高近表面声压增益的角度,不加障板更好。 |
英文摘要: |
According to the sound field characteristics of single and double shells, the numerically calculations of the change of sound pressure gain of the shells before and after attaching different sound-reflection baffles or soundabsorption baffles are performed in this paper. The influence of acoustic baffles on the sound field near the shell surface is analyzed, and the abilities of different types of acoustic baffles to solve the positive and negative gain mutation problem of double shells at some frequency points are investigated. The calculation results show that the acoustic baffle has obvious effect on improving the sound pressure gain of the front surface of the double shell, and the multi-layer rubber composite sound-reflection baffle is superior to the foam sound-reflection baffle, and the soundabsorption baffle has more advantages than the sound-reflection baffles on the whole. For a single shell, no baffle is better from the perspective of near-surface sound pressure gain. |
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