Research on the local optimization based noise feature line spectrum intelligent recognition algorithm
投稿时间:2022-03-11  修订日期:2022-06-07
中文关键词: 局部寻优  特征线谱  去趋势  智能识别
英文关键词: local optimization  characteristic line spectrum  detrend  intelligent identification
杜德锋 91388部队45分队, 广东湛江 524002 defeng_du@126.com 
何江贤 91388部队45分队, 广东湛江 524002  
孟凡凯 海军工程大学, 湖北武汉 430033  
摘要点击次数: 467
全文下载次数: 404
      To screen out ship noise feature line spectrum, a feature data recognition algorithm for massive data is proposed. The noise spectrum is composed of continuous spectrum and line spectrum, which is treated as the trend term. The power spectrum trend term is obtained by fitting the power spectrum based on the least square principle. Taking the trend term as the quasi-zero baseline, the power spectrum is divided into two parts. The discontinuous spectral lines on the zero line are grouped and the local optimization is carried out to obtain the initial feature line spectrum. The ship noise feature line spectrum is obtained by peak sorting according to the spectral line weight. The algorithm realizes the effective extraction of feature line spectrum. The effectiveness of the algorithm is verified by the measured data, which has a certain practical engineering application value.
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