Experimental analysis of the performance of plate-membrane coupled microperforated plate sound absorber
投稿时间:2022-03-17  修订日期:2022-07-31
中文关键词: 微穿孔板  板膜耦合  吸声性能  试验分析
英文关键词: microperforation plate  composite plate membrane  sound absorption performance  test analysis
兰晓乾 南昌航空大学飞行器工程学院, 江西南昌 330063  
吴锦武 南昌航空大学飞行器工程学院, 江西南昌 330063 wujinwu@nchu.edu.cn 
李贺铭 南昌航空大学飞行器工程学院, 江西南昌 330063  
陈杰 南昌航空大学飞行器工程学院, 江西南昌 330063  
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      为了使微穿孔板消声器具有低频宽频带吸声性能,文章提出一种将刚性微穿孔板与柔性微穿孔薄膜复合而成的微穿孔平面,并利用平均速度法预测了其吸声效果。文章分析了薄膜面积占比、薄膜厚度、背腔深度对吸声效果的影响。由分析结果可知:板膜耦合微穿孔板消声器与刚性微穿孔板消声器相比,吸声频带宽度从260 Hz拓宽到了650 Hz,与柔性微穿孔板消声器相比,在一定频率范围内吸声系数从0.55提高到0.75,通过适当改变薄膜厚度、背腔高度以及薄膜面积占比能控制微穿孔板吸收峰和薄膜共振吸收峰的相对位置,消声器可获得较好的吸声效果。研究成果可进一步拓宽微穿孔板消声器在低频降噪领域的应用范围。
      In order to make the microperforated plate sound absorber has low frequency and wide band sound absorption performance, a kind of microperforated plane absorber composed of rigid composite microperforated plate and flexible microperforated film is proposed in this paper, and its sound absorption effect is predicted by the average velocity method. The effects of film area proportion, film thickness and back cavity depth on sound absorption are analyzed, and the results show that: compared with the rigid microperforated plate sound absorber, the frequency bandwidth of sound absorption of the coupled microperforated plate sound absorber extends from 260 Hz to 650 Hz,and compared with the flexible microperforated plate sound absorber, the sound absorption coefficient increases from 0.55 to 0.75 in a certain frequency range. By appropriately changing the film thickness, the back cavity height and the film area proportion, the relative positions of the absorption peak of the microperforated plate and the resonance absorption peak of the film can be controlled, and a better sound absorption performance of the sound absorber can be obtained. The research results can further broaden the application range of microperforated plate sound absorber in the field of low frequency noise reduction.
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