简 历
1986 – 1990 复旦大学电子工程系本科
1990 – 1992 复旦大学电子工程系硕士生
1992 – 1994 复旦大学电子工程系博士生
1994 – 1996 复旦大学电子工程系讲师、英国威尔士-班戈大学信息学院博士后
1996 – 1998 复旦大学电子工程系副教授
1998 – 复旦大学电子工程系教授
2000 – 复旦大学大学特聘教授、博士生导师
2000 – 2008 复旦大学电子工程系系主任
2008 – 复旦大学信息科学与工程学院副院长
2012 – 复旦大学腾飞书院院长
1997年 上海市高校优秀青年教师
1999年 国际无线电科学联盟授予青年科学家
2001年 上海市新长征突击手
2002年 国际无线电科学联盟授予青年科学家
2002年 教育部优秀骨干教师
2004年 上海市IT青年十大新锐
2006年 上海市优秀曙光学者
1. Chaojie CHEN, Yuanyuan WANG, Jinhua YU, Zhuyu ZHOU, Li SHEN, Yaqing CHEN
Tracking pylorus in ultrasonic image sequences with edge-based optical flow
IEEE Trans. on Medical Imaging 2012,31(3):843-855
2. Tianjie LI, Yuanyuan WANG
Multiscaled combination of MR and SPECT images in neuroimaging: a simplex method based variable-weight fusion
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 2012,105:31-39
3. Yinhui DENG, Yuanyuan WANG, Yuzhong SHEN, Ping CHEN
Active cardiac model and its application on structure detection from early fetal ultrasound sequences
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 2012,36:239-247
4. Yinhui DENG, Yuanyuan WANG, Ping CHEN, Jinhua YU
A hierarchical model for automatic nuchal translucency detection from ultrasound images
Computers in Biology and Medicine 2012,42(6):706-713
5. Yan ZHANG, Yuanyuan WANG, Chen ZHANG
Total variation based gradient descent algorithm for sparse-View photoacoustic image reconstruction
Ultrasonics 2012,52:1046-1055
6.Xing ZENG, Cheng CHEN, Yuanyuan WANG
Eigenspace-based minimum variance beamformer combined with Wiener postfilter for medical ultrasound imaging
Ultrasonics 2012,52:996-1004
7. Tianjie LI, Yuanyuan WANG
Biological image fusion using a NSCT based variable-weight method
Information Fusion 2011,12(2):85-92
8. Wei YOU, Yuanyuan WANG
A single-ensemble clutter rejection method based on the analytic geometry for ultrasound color flow imaging
Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology 2011,37(11):1909-1922
9. Yi GUO, Yuanyuan WANG, Tao HOU
Speckle filtering of ultrasonic images using a modified non local-based algorithm
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 2011,6(2):129-138
10. Yinhui DENG, Yuanyuan WANG, Yuzhong SHEN
An automated diagnostic system of polycystic ovary syndrome based on object growing
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 2011,51(3):199-209
11. Yinhui DENG, Yuanyuan WANG, Yuzhong SHEN
Speckle reduction of ultrasound images based on Rayleigh-trimmed anisotropic diffusion filter
Pattern Recognition Letters 2011,32:1516-1525
12. Qi ZHANG, Yuanyuan WANG, Weiqi WANG, Jianying MA, Juying QIAN, Junbo GE
Automatic segmentation of calcifications in intravascular ultrasound images using snakes and the contourlet transform
Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology 2010,36(1):111-129
13. Wei YOU, Yuanyuan WANG
A fast algorithm for adaptive clutter rejection in ultrasound color flow imaging based on the first-order perturbation: A simulation study
IEEE Trans. on Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control 2010,57(8):1884-1889
14.Jinhua YU, Jinglu TAN, Yuanyuan WANG
Ultrasound speckle reduction by a SUSAN-controlled anisotropic diffusion method
Pattern Recognition 2010,43(9):3083-3092
15.Yu MA, Xiaodong GU, Yuanyuan WANG
Histogram similarity measure using variable bin size distance
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 2010,114(8):981-989
16. Jinhua YU, Yuanyuan WANG, Ping CHEN
Fetal weight estimation using the evolutionary fuzzy support vector regression for low-birth-weight fetuses
IEEE Trans. on Information Technology in Biomedicine 2009,13(1):57-66
17. Boqiang HUANG, Yuanyuan WANG, Jianhua CHEN
2-D compression of ECG signals using ROI-mask and conditional entropy coding
IEEE Trans. on Biomedical Engineering 2009,56(4):1261-1263
18. Wei YOU, Yuanyuan WANG
Adaptive clutter rejection for ultrasound color flow imaging based on recursive eigendecomposition
IEEE Trans. on Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control 2009,56(10):2217-2231
19. Rongrong SUN, Yuanyuan WANG
Predicting spontaneous termination of atrial fibrillation based on the RR interval
Journal of Engineering in Medicine (Proc Instn Mech Engrs part H) 2009,223:713-726
20. Junhua ZHANG, Yuanyuan WANG, Xinling SHI
An improved graph cut segmentation method for cervical lymph nodes on sonograms and its relationship with node’s shape assessment
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 2009,33:602-607
21.Yu MA, Xiaodong GU, Yuanyuan WANG
Color discrimination enhancement for dichromats using self-organizing color transformation
Information Sciences 2009,179(6):830-843
22.Yu MA, Xiaodong GU, Yuanyuan WANG
Feature fusion method for edge detection of color images
Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics 2009,20(2):394-399
23.Jinhua YU, Yuanyuan WANG, Ping CHEN, Yuzhong SHEN
Fetal abdominal contour extraction and measurement in ultrasound images
Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology 2008,34(2):169-182
24. Jinhua YU, Yuanyuan WANG, Ping CHEN
Fetal ultrasound image segmentation system and its use in fetal weight estimation
Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2008,46(12):1227-1237
25. Junhua ZHANG, Yuanyuan WANG, Yi DONG, Yi WANG
Computer-aided diagnosis of cervical lymph nodes on ultrasonography
Computers in Biology and Medicine 2008,38(2):234-243
26. Junhua ZHANG, Yuanyuan WANG
A rough margin based support vector machine
Information Sciences 2008,178(9):2204-2214
27. Jinhua YU, Yuanyuan WANG, Yuzhong SHEN
Noise reduction and edge detection via kernel anisotropic diffusion
Pattern Recognition Letters 2008,29:1496-1503
28. Yijiao CHEN, Yuanyuan WANG
Doppler embolic signal detection using the adaptive wavelet packet basis and neurofuzzy classification
Pattern Recognition Letters 2008,29:1589-1595
29. Chi ZHANG, Yuanyuan WANG
A reconstruction algorithm for thermoacoustic tomography with compensation for acoustic speed heterogeneity
Physics in Medicine and Biology 2008,53:4971-4982
30. Chi ZHANG, Yuanyuan WANG
Deconvolution reconstruction of full-view and limited-view photoacoustic tomography: a simulation study
Journal Optical Society of America A 2008,25(10):2436-2443
31.Rongrong SUN, Yuanyuan WANG
Predicting termination of atrial fibrillation based on the structure and quantification of the recurrence plot
Medical Engineering & Physics 2008,30:1105-1111